DCNS #81 - Paypal, Coinbase, ...
Folge 81 der Crypto Nerd Show mit Oliver Thylmann und Sebastian Deutsch. Wenn ihr mit uns und der CNS Community reden wollte, hier gehts zum Telegram Kanal.
- Paypal announces PyUSD
- Tweet Thread on PyUSD
- Coinbase Launches Base and starts Onchain Summer
- Tweet Thread on Base and Onchain Summer
- Defi News
- Over 5bio DAI
- Justin Sun supplied 150mio
- Bitfinex hacker Illya Lichtenstein pleads guilty
- 119k Bitcoin ($70mio at that time)
- Curve Hacker Returns Funds
- MEV bot did so too
- Tweet thread about EIP4844 economy
- Nuances of data recoverability in data availability sampling
- Argent launches Web Wallet
- Web Wallet Including account abstraction. Easiest entry to the Starknet ecosystem.
EIPS EIPs: EIP7441: Upgrade block proposer election to Whisk ERCs (application layer): ERC7425: Tokenized reserve ERC7432: NFT roles ERC7439: Prevent ticket touting (ERC721 extension) ERC7444: Time locks maturity
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